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Three Benefits Of Hydrogen Water

1.Fight toxic free radicals

What is free radical?

Free radicals are compounds with unpaired electrons, that is, atoms, molecules or ions with an odd number of electrons. 

Since the electrons are not paired, free radicals are very active and unstable. 

An electron must be obtained from the outside to reach a stable state.

Generally speaking, the process of free radicals grabbing electrons from the outside is called oxidation. 

It will cause damage to normal cells and at the same time create new free radicals, causing a series of chemical reactions.

In simple terms, free radicals are like a couple.

Under normal circumstances, the relationship between husband and wife is stable. 

When the mistress intervenes, for example, the mistress is snatched away, the wife is snatched away by the mistress, 

Or the husband is snatched away by the mistress , Then the relationship becomes unstable. 

Our human body produces free radicals during the aerobic respiration in the life process.

Free radicals have free radicals that are good for the human body. 

For example, (NO)nitric oxide is a free radical, and it also has a positive effect on the human body. 

Toxic free radicals, such as peroxide free radicals(ONOO-), (.OH)hydroxyl radicals, etc., 

Hydrogen has a very powerful ability to scavenge free radicals. 

Please see the picture below for hydrogen, vitamin C, and SOD enzymes (Superoxide dismutase, SOD) Control experiment for.


2.Selective antioxidant

Hydrogen is not only the smallest gas in the universe, but hydrogen is intelligent. 

The most powerful ability of hydrogen is its selective anti-oxidation and only removes free radicals harmful to the human body. 

This is the only antioxidant found to have this ability.


Hydrogen has anti-oxidation ability, and its anti-inflammatory effect is also very good. 

In 2007, Japanese scientists conducted experiments to improve the effect of inhalation of hydrogen on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. 

The effect is very good. Many people do not understand ischemia reperfusion, so we will explain in detail next time.

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